During two days, 19th and 20th of June the second meeting and study visit to EU in frame of TEMPUS SEREIN was made. It was organized by Dr Peter Popov and held in City University London.
The first day of meeting, June 19, 2014 was dedicated to presentation of current TEMPUS SEREIN project progress in the area of courses development for MSc and PhD students, discussion and synergies. TEMPUS SEREIN grantholder Prof Jüri Vain from Tallinn University of Technology made an introduction in project and reviewed main milestones, partners from Computer systems and networks department of National Aerospace University “KhAI” presented MSs/PhD programmes planned in the TEMPUS SEREIN project. Prof Kevin Jones and Dr Nikos Komninos presented programmes on Masters in Information Security Management and Masters in Cyber security respectively. Consortia partners also had a meeting with Vice-Chancellor of City Unviversity, Prof David Bolton. Both parties expressed confidence and desire in further continuous work in areas of educational projects and not only.
The second day, 20th of June, 2014 was dedicated to presentation of research activities in the field of cyber security. Visitors from KhAI, Tallinn Universtiy of Technology, Ukrainian Security Industry Federation and Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine presented their activities and City University staff and PhD students made presentations on their research.