During September 19, 2014 at Khmelnitsky National University (KNU) at department of system programming the monitoring of the project TEMPUS SEREIN was conducted.
As part of the monitoring mission the representatives of the Erasmus + Office (NEO) in Ukraine, namely: director Svetlana Shytikova and monitoring manager Olena Orzhel attended Khmelnitsky National University. Also, KNU was attended by representatives of member universities of TEMPUS SEREIN project consortium.
The next consortia representatives took part in the monitoring:
• Dmitry Medzatyi, Sergii Lysenko, Tatiana Govorushchenko (Khmelnitskyi National University , Khmelnitskyi)
• Oleg Illiashenko, Ievgen Brezhniev (National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, Kharkiv)
• Igor Zhukovytskyy (Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport n. a. V. Lazaryan, Dniptopetrovsk)
• Inna Skarha-Bandurova (East Ukrainian Volodymyr Dahl National University, Luhansk)
• Andriy Lutskiv (Ternopil Ivan Pul’uj National Technical University, Ternopil)
• Alexander Gordeev (Ukrainian Academy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine, Kyiv)
• Sergii Stirenko (Institute of Special Communications and Information Security, Kyiv).
During the monitoring the following events took place:
• meeting of Monitoring Committee of the National Tempus / Erasmus + Office in Ukraine together with consortia representatives with the Vice-rector on scientific and pedagogical work and international activities of Khmelnitsky National Universtiy and acquaintance with the KNU;
• reporting of the project TEMPUS SEREIN on-going to the Monitoring Committee of the National Tempus / Erasmus + Office in Ukraine;
• discussion of current problems and challenges of the project subject to the provisions of the new version of Higher Education Act in Ukraine;
• meeting with MSc and PhD students of Khmelnitsky National University, involved in the project TEMPUS SEREIN and other international projects;
• discussion of the monitoring results of the project TEMPUS SEREIN.
The consortia representatives presented status of the project and teaching programs (modules) in accordance with European guidelines based on the matrix of responsibilities performed by the participants.
As a result of monitoring, the Monitoring Committee of the National Tempus / Erasmus + Office noted the stability of the project, a high level of interaction between partners and matching skills involved scientific and teaching staff. Members of the Monitoring Committee gave to partners recommendations concerning the improvement of effectiveness of information dissemination about the project among students and stressed the need for greater involvement of students and employees in the preparation of new courses.