For dissemination purposes of results of successful TEMPUS SEREIN and TEMPUS CABRIOLET projects one of partners announced call for papers for of special issue of Information&Security journal, dedicated to TEMPUS SEREIN and TEMPUS CABRIOLET projects “Education & Training for Cyber security and Resilience”.
The I&S Editorial Board, jointly with the leaders of the TEMPUS SEREIN project, announces this call to reflect on current developments in the rapidly growing field of education and training aiming to provide the capacity and expertise needed to provide cyber security and resilience.
We welcome original contributions that:
• examine the definition of competence requirements;
• present innovative teaching and learning methods and tools;
• describe bachelor, masters, and doctoral programmes in cyber security or closely related fields and analyse respective experience;
• provide detailed description of blocks or modules of particular interest;
• present training courses in cyber security and resilience;
• analyse the implementation of gaming in the process of education and training;
• present best practices of university-industry cooperation in cyber security and resilience.
It’s a great opportunity to publish synergetic results of activities of two TEMPUS projects.
More detailed information and instructions you could find on the web-site: