On March 20 was held the final IT-startup competition “IT-Eureka! Ukraine” in Odessa, Ukraine, in frame of 1st Ukrainian Forum of IT-students’ Innovation. More than 120 students, teachers and representatives of Ukrainian innovative start-ups and IT enterprise took part in the Forum. The number of accepted projects is 444.
This event was continuation of battle for students from Computer Systems of Networks department of “KhAI”, started last year in October.
There following jury of the competition:
- Hans Lundberg (Vice-President of the European Academy of Management EURAM, Brussels, Belgium)
- Niklas Malmros (President of Sigma Technology Solutions AB, Vahyo, Sweden)
- Vladimi Rogovsky (Director of Business Incubator WannaBiz, Odessa, Ukraine)
- Viktor Kauk (associate professor of Department of Software Engineeringt at Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine)
- Natalia Potapova (manager of educational programs of Sigma Software, Kharkiv, Ukraine).
A team from the Department of Computer Systems and Networks of “KhAI” with following members: Anton Zhmyrov, Anton Lapko, Ihor Diachenko, Zhanna Shelimanova, Oroma Roseline Ohochukwu with mentors Olga Yanovskaya and Maxim Yanovsky took II place with the project «YouDrop: Architecture and software tools for building the infrastructure of distributed cloud» and received a special prize from companies GeeksLab and FlyElephant.
This event was organized with the support of the following TEMPUS projects: