On Saturday, September 19, at National Aerospace Universtiy “KhAI”, department of computer systems and networks, the workshop dedicated to problems of cybersecurity of programmable logic controllers (PLC) and FPGA-based systems was organized jointly by department of computer systems and networks of National Aerospace Universtiy “KhAI”, research and production corporation Radiy, Center for safety infrastructure-oriented research and analysis.
The main issues discussed were devoted to technological and educational aspects of the developmemt of a platform for the testing of industrial cyber security systems on programmable logic.
The seminar was held as part of the projects under Tempus programmes: SEREIN (Modernization of postgraduate studies on security and resilience for human and industry related domains) CABRIOLET (Model-oriented approach and intelligent knowledge-based system for evolvable academia-industry cooperation in electronic and computer engineering) and CERES (Centers of excellence for young researchers).
Presentations are available HERE.