The name of the project is SEREIN, which is an acronym from the official name “Modernization of Postgraduate Studies on Security and Resilience for Human and Industry Related Domains” (reference number 543968-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-EE-TEMPUS-JPCR).

This project was financed by the Tempus+ programme, which aims to contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy for growth, jobs, social equity, and inclusion, as well as the aims of ET2020, the EU’s strategic framework for education and training. Erasmus+ also aims to promote the sustainable development of its partners in the field of higher education and contribute to achieving the objectives of the EU Youth Strategy.
Project goals and objectives:
The key goal of the project was to produce a new generation of engineering and research staff capable of performing constructive development in cybersecurity assessment and ensuring. This objective contributed to fulfilling the demand of Ukrainian society to face the challenges in the area of ensuring cybersecurity policy in different application domains. They were covered by developed master/doctoral/in-service curriculum:
- Human {People; Homeland};
- Business {Banking; Web & E-business; Telecommunications};
- Safety-Critical {Aviation; Space; NPP; Power Grid; Railway}.
Reached objectives of the project:
- developed master programme on cyber security and resilience with 5 courses;
- developed doctoral programme on cyber security and resilience with 3 courses;
- developed in-service training programme on cyber security and resilience with 3 modules;
- established a National security alliance (NSA) for training and consultancy in the area of cyber security assessment and management;
- introduced a comprehensive capacity building scheme for involved academic staff of 7 Ukrainian universities.
Expected results:
- master programme on cyber security and resilience with 5 courses is developed and successfully implemented;
- 3 courses of doctoral programme on cyber security and resilience are developed and practically implemented;
- in-service training programme on cyber security and resilience is developed;
- NSA is established and the consultancies in the area of cyber security assessment and management are provided;
- the capacity building scheme is implemented for involved academic staff if 7 UA universities;
- project results are disseminated.