Teaching materials

Here you can find available free publishing materials developed in the frame of Tempus SEREIN project.

Please, feel free to contact us for further information.


The first, second and third volumes of the three-volume book called “Secure and resilient computing for industry and human domains” contains materials of the lecture parts of the study modules for MSc and PhD level of education as well as lecture part of in-service training modules developed in the framework of the SEREIN project “Modernization of Postgraduate Studies on Security Resilience for Human and Industry Related Domains” (543968-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-EE-TEMPUS-JPCR) funded under the Tempus programme are given.

The book material covers fundamentals issue of secure and resilient computing, in particular, description of related standards, methods of cryptography, software security assurance and post-quantum computing methods review.

Courses syllabuses and description of practicums are placed in the correspondent notes on practicums and in-service training modules.

The materials in the book are given in a form “as is”, desktop publishing of this book is available in hard copy only.

Volume 1. Fundamentals of secure and resilient computing

Volume 2. Secure and resilient systems and infrastructures

Volume 3. Techniques, tools and assurance cases for secure and resilient computing


The practical materials (practicums, laboratory works, trainings) for the teaching courses for MSc level of study:

CM1 – Fundamentals of secure and resilient computing

CM2 – System and Networks Security and Resilience

CM3 – Human-machine engineering for security-critical and resilient systems

CM4 – Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Security and Resilience

CM4A – Fundamentals of smart grid safety analysis and assurance

CM4B – Fundamentals of smart grid information security analysis and assurance

CM5 – Secure and resilient PLD-based systems

The practical materials (practicums, laboratory works, trainings) for the teaching courses for PhD:

CP1 – Formal and Intellectual Methods for System Security and Resilience

CP2 – Security and Resilience of Web and Cloud systems

CP3 – Methods and tools for technical auditing of information security of computer systems and networks

In-service training modules:

CT1 – Techniques and tools for human-machine interface security and usability assessment

CT2 – Techniques and tools of web applications and networks penetration testing

CT3 – Techniques and tools for evaluation of IT security assurance